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Guía Orientativa Misiones Mod La Isla del Terror v2.0

Gta Vice City Mod Dead Island La Isla del Terror v2.0 Copyright © 2012 by DarkHunter

  • Con las Notas de todos los soldados muertos conseguirás correr más rápido sin cansarte y podrás acceder al edificio donde se encuentran las armas; también habrá armas repartidas por toda la isla junto con otros pequeños secretos y trucos que lógicamente me reservo. Usa la tecla BloqMayús para leer las notas de los soldados muertos y para borrar las notas en pantalla.

    01.- Contestar la llamada Telefónica
    02.- Seguir las Pistas de los Soldados
    03.- Conseguir las 3 Tarjetas de Códigos
    04.- Coger el Colt 45 del Garaje Cerrado
    05.- Conseguir Código Puerta de Mansión
    06.- Rescatar a la Chica y No Perderla
    07.- Contestar la llamada Telefónica
    08.- Ser Transportado por el Piloto
    09.- Conseguir las 5 Garrafas de Gasolina
    10.- Abastecer de Gasoil al Helicóptero
    11.- Conseguir las 4 Medicinas
    12.- Cargarse al Doctor Terror
    13.- Curar al Piloto
    14.- Cargarse al Doctor Terror
    15.- Largarse Cagando Leches …

  • Jack Hunter, a kind of special agent, is sent to a military island where biological been much development projects for the government. For some time, the connections to the island have stopped working, the high command decided to send Officer Hunter to find out the reasons for the lack of communication with the military and scientists on the island. A secret report done by technical teams operating through satellite K301, demonstrates that despite the failures in transmissions, biochemical activity has been detected and communications from the small island. A female voice warns of impending danger which could have disastrous consequences for civilians and military who work and live-in security complex on the island. The Official Jack Hunter will have to discover is happening, so it will be sent by helicopter and unarmed, to perform a terrifying mission, wrapped in a creepy, psychological and full of tension. Will Jack Hunter meet their objectives, without fail in the attempt?. Only you can find out with patience and composure. Luck! You will need it! ...

    01.- Locate and answer the phone call
    02.- Read all notes of dead soldiers
    03.- Get the 3 card codes
    04.- Take the Colt 45's garage closed
    05.- Get the code for the door of the Mansion
    06.- Search and rescue the girl and not keep her
    07.- Locate and answer the phone call
    08.- Be carried transporter by Pilot
    09.- Get the 5 bottles of gasoline
    10.- Fuel supply to the Helicopter
    11.- Get the 4 Medicines bags
    12.- Kill Doctor Terror
    13.- Heal the Pilot
    14.- Kill Doctor Terror Again
    15.- Scoot fuck out ...

    With the Notes of all dead soldiers get run faster without getting tired and you can enter on building where there is weapons, will also weapons scattered throughout the island along with other little secrets and tricks that I reserve logically. Use the key "CapsLock" to Read the notes of the dead soldiers and Remove notes on screen.


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    Author: admin
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